Low back pain in Charlotte can have causes that are not due to underlying disease. For example, our lifestyle can be the cause of back pain. Working out or lifting too much, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, prolonged sitting and laying down, wearing a poorly fitting backpack can all lead to low back pain. Lower back pain conditions are commonly one of the cores of chiropractic treatment...
Low back pain treatment with chiropractic care in Charlotte NC
Low back pain is not preventable, especially at old age. As we grow old, our back loses strength and resilience. Luckily, there are several ways one can get relief, no matter the cause of your back pain and one of these ways is through chiropractic. Lower back pain is acute, chronic, or subacute. An acute episode of lower back pain usually lasts a few days to 4 weeks. Subacute lower back pain...
Low back pain chiropractic care by professionals in Charlotte, NC
If you’re looking for the best pain relief method that guarantees no dangerous or concerning side effects such as those of heavy pain killers, chiropractic services are exactly what you need to ensure you get the results you’re after in regards to overcoming or drastically decreasing pain related symptoms. Any dedicated professional chiropractor is going to help you in the most convenient way...
Low back pain in Charlotte, NC in relation to posture
What are the implications of bad posture? Always bear in mind that bad posture, coupled with inadequate back support, will definitely add strain to lower back muscles and put stress on the spine, resulting in low back pain. It's just a matter of time before the stress on the lower back muscles begins to change the natural alignment of the spine, facilitating the pain. Then one complication to...
Low back pain in Charlotte, NC with its causes
Low back pain in Charlotte, NC, is not a new case as in the past. Many people experience discomfort at some point in their lifetime. Recent research shows that low back pain is among the top ten reasons people pay visits to the doctor; it should not hit you by surprise. Further research also revealed that over 70% of people would experience the dreadful pain of low back pain at some points in...
Low back pain in Charlotte, NC during pregnancy
Low back pain in pregnant mothers in Charlotte, NC, is not uncommon in recent times. Pregnancy puts a lot of load on mothers. Apart from the physical wear out, it stresses them a lot. Studies show that a high percentage of women experience low back pain during pregnancy, which is not surprising considering the load they have to carry. Further research shows that pregnant women don't experience...
Low back pain in Charlotte, NC symptoms and chiropractic treatment
Low back pain results mainly from injuries to the muscles, ligaments, joints, or vertebral discs. In Charlotte, NC, the pain comes in varying forms. Down from simple dull ache in the low back to burning pain, possibly in the worst-case scenario, inability to walk. One of the most proven methods to work for low back pain is chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment is a hands-on treatment...
Low back pain in Charlotte, its types, and effects on individuals
Sprains and strains: These two factors are a common cause of lower back pain. A sprain happens when a person tears a ligament. A strain happens when you tear a muscle. Muscle overuse, lifting heavy objects, and sports injuries are typical causes of strain and sprain. You may begin to experience tenderness and swelling in your lower back. In this case, the remedy is taking enough rest, cold...
Low Back Pain in Charlotte NC, and the causes and effects the pain can have
Low back pain is more common than you think. People from different age brackets are not spared from its effects. However, it affects a lot of working-class individuals and aged people. It also causes continuous feelings of pain and discomfort. This part of your body is essential for daily activities. The entire weight of your upper body lies in it. The low back gives you the ability to bend and...
Low back pain has a wide range of common causes and risk factors in Charlotte, NC.
Low back pain is common among adults and other age groups in some cases. Unlike some other kinds of pain, back pain can incorporate a lot of symptoms. For instance, you may experience a stinging or burning pain that starts from the low back down to the thighs. On some occasions, the pain is felt on the lower legs or feet. On the lower legs, you may feel numbness or tingling. Other possible...