
Charlotte chiropractic for workout enthusiasts Are you injured after overdoing it in the weight room? There are so many trends and workout routines in the fitness world, but for many, nothing will ever replace weight lifting. It is ideally suited as a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Weightlifting is not just for the musclebound, it can be a viable activity for just about everyone....


Injured and in pain If you have been injured, visiting the best chiropractic doctors in Charlotte makes perfect sense. Chiropractic care can provide you with a specific diagnosis, while targeting the cause of your pain and promoting natural healing. If your injury causes neck pain, mid-back pain, or lower back pain; your chiropractor can recommend an individualized plan of care and treatment. It...

Heat therapy when you are injured

When you are injured Whenever you are injured, one of the most effective ways to gain pain relief is through the use of heat therapy. Cold and heat therapy are two very effective ways to help the body to heal itself. Today we want to place the focus on safely using heat therapy. Heat, when applied properly and at the right time, is one of the most crucial therapies when it comes to treatment of...

Get lots of Rest when you are injured

Knowing what to do when you are injured Are you injured, and are trying to cope with chronic pain? You next step should be to schedule an evaluation with one of Charlotte’s top chiropractors. When injuries go untreated, or are not treated properly, you hinder recovery or even make it worse. Sometimes we think that an injury is insignificant, but something as simple as a bruised muscle can become...

Avoid the pain of being injured in a winter accident

Are you injured? Unfortunately, last week many people were involved in some form of sliding accident, not even realizing they were injured until days later. We want to give you some advice and a little direction on what to do if you have been in one of those accidents. Countless numbers of people lost control of their car as it slid into a guard rail, a ravine, or a parked car. Chances are that...

Chiropractic treatment for those injured in the winter

Hope for injured individuals This winter, lots of people will end up injured after a fall in the snow or ice. Many of them will simply dismiss the pain as general soreness. However, it is important that you are evaluated by a Charlotte chiropractor to ensure that your injuries do not become worse. Beyond the embarrassment of slipping and falling on a patch of ice, you may not realize the...

Expectations for injured runners

Are you injured? As the holidays come to an end, we expect to see an influx of people who were injured before the holidays, and were waiting utile the first of the year to get treatment. We admire dedicated runners, who persistently brave the weather this time of year, in their pursuit of good health. However, it is important to remember that running during the cold weather months presents...

Avoid being injured from over exuberance

Are you injured? There are few things more discouraging than being injured during a workout routine. Many people want to counteract the effects of overeating during the holidays or get an early start on their efforts to improve for the upcoming year. This is why there is an increased number of joggers and walkers braving the weather. Exercise is great for improving your health; however, it is...

When shoes and boots can leave you injured

When dressing up is messing up The holiday season presents so many different ways for people to be injured. The usual suspects would be everything from winter slips and falls, to ski accidents. However, every holiday seasons, a significant number of people end up being injured just dressing up for a holiday party or family gathering. One thing we love about the winter season is that the clothes...

How children are injured by heavy backpacks

Children hurt by backpacks It’s time for the kids to go back to school and before you buy that giant sized backpack that can carry everything from lunch to books to sports equipment; stop and think about how much weight can your child safely carry. Every year school-aged children are injured, because of excessively heavy backpacks. Consider the basic health problems that heavy backpacks can...