Neck pain experts help you alleviate pain from herniated or bulging discs
Neck pain experts in Charlotte NC can help you correct issues with herniated and bulging discs. Herniated discs and bulging discs are not the same conditions, despite the fact that they both affect the discs in your spine.
Here are several important differences between herniated and bulging discs.
Your spine is made up of stacked vertebrae, or bony bones, and rubbery discs, which together form the spinal canal. The spinal cord, a collection of nerves, runs the entire length of the spinal canal. Your spine’s discs perform the same function as a car’s shock absorbers, except they are located between the vertebrae. These discs consist of a strong, elastic-like band surrounding the nucleus pulposus, which is a softer center-annulus fibrosus.
A bulging disc feels similar to letting the air out of a vehicle tire; the disc is still there, but it sags and protrudes from the framework of the spine. The disc’s outer sac or lining has a hole or a tear in it when it has a herniated disc. The nucleus pulpous, a jelly-like disc component, leaks into the spinal canal as a result of it.
Treating bulging discs
For discs that are swollen, there are numerous therapy possibilities. Anti-inflammatory medicines may be necessary for short-term treatment, particularly during flare-ups. If there is severe nerve pain, another alternative is steroid injections.
A self-directed exercise program that you begin with a physical therapist and subsequently move to perform at home is typically part of long-term treatment. An option for those who have suffered and seen their quality of life deteriorate is surgery (called lumbar decompression), if the discomfort from the bulging discs has produced lumbar stenosis.
According to the type and degree of stenosis, the surgery is very patient-specific and can take months to recover, which is not ideal for many people.
Treating herniated discs
The majority of a herniated disc’s pain is sudden and typically only affects one particular nerve root. Herniated discs can also result from an acute injury. This might happen as a result of a work-related accident, a slip-and-fall accident, or a car accident.
Herniated discs can be treated in a number of ways including:
Assuming you don’t have any nerve damage and you’ve only had symptoms for less than six weeks. In that situation, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, medical massage treatment, and (if required) steroid injections may help in 6 to 12 weeks to resolve the problem.
Unfortunately, most people who have a herniated disc will need lifelong care from a chiropractor who collaborates with other orthopedic doctors as well as education.
Work with the best neck pain experts in Charlotte NC
Neck pain experts can help you deal with any issues relating to herniated and bulging discs. Work with the best neck pain specialists in Charlotte NC for the best results
ChiroCarolina® is among Charlotte’s trusted Chiropractic clinics, popular for its outstanding chiropractic care. We serve Uptown Charlotte, NoDa, and UNCC college areas with our convenient location on North Tryon Street. We are visited by patients throughout the south: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, and Texas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.