Low back pain remedied with top chiropractor in Charlotte

Low back pain, in Charlotte NC, can be a burden to all who experience it. The lower back, also known as the lumbar area, is the part of the body that helps with structural support, mobility, and also protection of some body tissues.

What causes low back pain?

Low back pain is a condition that is characterized by a local discomfort in the lumbar area after an action that stressed the lumbar tissues. The discomfort felt, can range from mild to severe, depending on how much stress, the lumbar tissues were put through.

There is no particular cause for the pain but the most common causes are; the stress of the lumbar tissues, lumbar radiculopathy, nerve irritations, and conditions of the bone and joints.

However, there are factors that pose a risk to the lower back and can cause low back pain, these factors include things like sports, heavy lifting, traumatic injury amongst other things.

The common causes of low back pain can be usually diagnosed with x-ray testing.

Low back pain remedied with top chiropractic care in Charlotte

Low back pain like the aforementioned, affects the organs that make up the anatomy of the lower back also known as the lumbar area, and chiropractors have been known to maintain a focus on manipulation of the spine and its surrounding organs. Research has shown also, that manual therapies used in chiropractic care are effective for the treatment. The manual therapy involved in chiropractic care has a long-term effect of reducing the irritability of nerves, stretching the muscles and joints, and generally increasing the range of movements of the lower back.

According to a patient: After an injury at her workplace, his mobility was affected which in turn made catering to her children difficult but after experiencing chiropractic care, has a lesser amount of pain, and catering for her kids is no longer a herculean task.

Another mentioned how he had been having issues with a weak lower back for years. His gardening activities did not make the pain in his lower back any better, but after experiencing chiropractic care, he is now able to garden without pain and is even able to play volleyball.

Number 1 chiropractor in Charlotte

ChiroCarolina has aided many patients afflicted with low back pain. We are here to help you. We will provide you with the proper attention your back pain requires for rapid relief and quality health. ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s premier chiropractic clinics, is known throughout the Southeast for providing the best chiropractic care in the residential, NoDa, and college areas, conveniently located on North Tryon Street. Trust ChiroCarolina® in Charlotte:  visited by patients throughout the south:  North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, and Texas.


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