How children are injured by heavy backpacks

Injured in Charlotte, NCChildren hurt by backpacks

It’s time for the kids to go back to school and before you buy that giant sized backpack that can carry everything from lunch to books to sports equipment; stop and think about how much weight can your child safely carry. Every year school-aged children are injured, because of excessively heavy backpacks.

Consider the basic health problems that heavy backpacks can cause:

  • Poor posture
  • Hip pain and soreness
  • Misalignment of the back and neck
  • Knee injury
  • Headaches
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Shoulder injury

Your child is definitely at risk for all of the above problems if they constantly carry a backpack that is too heavy. However, the most concerning issue should be misalignment of the back and neck because this can lead to even more long-term problems.

Chiropractic treatment for those who are injured

Are you injured? Sometimes we overlook complaints of pain until we realize how seriously it has affected our body and our health. The doctors at ChiroCarolina® are experts at the diagnosis and treatment of such health problems. ChiroCarolina® provides numerous treatment modalities to correct the problems that cause neck pain such as Gentle spinal adjustments, dietary counseling, massage therapy, and lifestyle coaching. It is time to improve your quality of life. Patients visit from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, and from as far as Georgia, Florida and Virginia. Learn how to reduce and manage injury at ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s top chiropractic centers providing quality chiropractic care for the uptown, NoDa, and University area- located conveniently off North Tryon Street.


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