Get lots of Rest when you are injured

Injured in Charlotte, NCKnowing what to do when you are injured

Are you injured, and are trying to cope with chronic pain? You next step should be to schedule an evaluation with one of Charlotte’s top chiropractors. When injuries go untreated, or are not treated properly, you hinder recovery or even make it worse. Sometimes we think that an injury is insignificant, but something as simple as a bruised muscle can become something far worse.

When handled incorrectly, injuries become more complex and can become source of chronic pain from the rest of your life. The best chiropractors in Charlotte recommend that you use the R-I-C-E method for initial treatment of injuries. R-I-C-E is a helpful acronym that reminds patients of the steps to take in order to reduce swelling, and to facilitate the natural healing of soft tissues.


  1. Rest is crucial for proper healing and body function.
  2. You can utilize every bit of modern technology and rehabilitative therapies, nothing can help you recover faster than your body is willing to heal.
  3. Going without the proper rest increases your chance of re-aggravating or extending the healing time for your injury.
  4. Compression is one of the most effective ways to reduce swelling when ice is not being applied.
  5. Simply wrap the injury in an elastic bandage or tape.
  6. Make sure that natural is restricted, but not so tight that the blood circulation is not cut off.

Pain relief from Charlotte’s top chiropractor

Many people who suffer with joint pain and other injuries believe that their pain is an acceptable fact of life. As some of the best chiropractors in Charlotte, the doctors at ChiroCarolina™ are trained to diagnose and treat illness and pain if injured. They understand that each individual has unique underlying factors and causes that need to be addressed in order to ensure full recovery or optimal health. ChiroCarolina™ also provides neuromuscular stimulation and physiotherapy to aid in the elimination of chronic pain.

You can also expect treatments to include supplemental therapies such as massage therapy, physical therapy, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle coaching when applicable. It is time to improve your quality of life. Patients visit from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, and as far as Georgia, Florida, and Virginia. ChiroCarolina™ is one of Charlotte’s top chiropractic centers providing top chiropractic care for the uptown, NoDa, and University area- located conveniently off North Tryon Street.


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