Chiropractor experts effectively deal with neuromuscular disorders in Charlotte, NC.

Lots of people think chiropractor experts only treat low back pain or neck pain. However, chiropractor experts do more than treating neck pain or low back pain; they also treat repetitive strains and headaches. Listed below are common conditions that ChiroCarolina® (Chiropractic clinic) can treat:

  • Repetitive injuries: Typically, repetitive injuries are caused by repeated and rapid use of the joints and muscles. Common symptoms of repetitive injuries in Charlotte, NC are numbness, burning sensations, swelling, tingling, and aching pain. This condition is common among athletes and other sportspersons like footballers, tennis players, or golfers. Also, other activities that demand excessive use of the muscles or joints may cause this condition. For example, knitting, playing video games, continuous computer use, and even sawing or bricklaying.
  • Migraines: Migraines are caused by muscle contractions in the neck or head region. Also, things like bright screens, loud music, lack of food are common causes of migraines. Migraines cause major discomforts in the head and are commonly treated by using medications. Fortunately, chiropractor experts can effectively treat migraines by delivering non-invasive and non-addictive therapy. They improve joint mobility and make the nervous system function better.
  • Sciatica: Sciatica means the pain that moves along the sciatic nerve and branches from the lower back to the hips. This condition can be a significant cause of discomfort among adults and young ones. Chiropractor experts help treat this by massage therapy, chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
  • Pain from arthritis: Arthritis is quite common even in Charlotte, NC, even ankylosing and rheumatoid arthritis. To effectively treat this condition with a non-invasive technique, chiropractor experts are highly recommended. Chiropractic care gives quick results by just gentle spinal manipulation and exercise.

Other conditions that can be treated by ChiroCarolina® are lower back pain, auto accident injuries, and neck pain. ChiroCarolina® is Care You Can Count On.

Chiropractor experts are health professionals that deal with the spine; this alone makes chiropractic care very sensitive. A proper chiropractic clinic will look into your case history (occupational history, dietary history, psychosocial history, and family history). For these reasons, it’s very vital to get these services from the best. ChiroCarolina®, one of Charlotte’s premier chiropractic clinics, is known throughout the Southeast for providing the best chiropractic care in the residential, NoDa, and college areas, conveniently located on North Tryon Street. Trust ChiroCarolina® in Charlotte:  visited by patients throughout the south:  North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, and Texas.


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