Are you hurt in a minor car accident?

Are you hurt? Check a patient been hurt in a car accident receiving treatmentAre you hurt or barely bumped but injured

One of the most common questions patients have for chiropractors is, “Are you hurt after minor car accidents?” Car accident studies reveal the following:

  • that even the most minor of auto accidents can cause injuries that are not felt for days
  • when people get in minor accidents, they are more concerned about the police report
  • most of us do not realize that it is still possible that your body is injured even if your car is not
  • low speed accidents can cause whiplash
  • it is important to be examined by a chiropractor following any car accident of any type.

The top chiropractors in Charlotte are expert and qualified to detect even the smallest of cervical or spinal alignment issues that are related to auto accidents. Whiplash injuries are also most commonly characterized by postponed pain. Numerous accident victims cannot feel any pain right after the accident, but notice the soreness and stiffness days later. It is imperative that you see a chiropractor after any type of accident because if you need treatment later, and did not seek medical attention at the time of the accident, your insurance company might actually deny your claim.

Chiropractic care in Charlotte for auto accident injuries

In the event that you should be involved in an accident, be sure to seek the appropriate medical help as soon as possible. Even if you do not think that you have been hurt, it is advisable that you see your chiropractor so that he or she can check for any injuries that may result from even fender benders. It is quite common that symptoms or signs of injury are not present until days or even weeks later.

ChiroCarolina is one of the top Chiropractors in Charlotte. Their staff and doctors will work hard to provide the best possible information and treatments to help you get back to a normal and pain free lifestyle. Are you hurt and you want the quality chiropractic care that patients have received for so many years; call their office and schedule an appointment today.


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